The National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment makes learning outcomes visible and useful to the public by curating assessment resources to promote and support good assessment practice. Assessment Brief Excerpted…
The National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment makes learning outcomes visible and useful to the public by curating assessment resources to promote and support good assessment practice. Assessment Brief Excerpted…
…to co-create and peer review. Have students create or improve wiki pages on key topics. Keep Discussing Online #NILOAwebinar #AssessmentMusic #AssessmentBook Join Our Email List: 19 @NILOA_web @LearningOutcomesAssessment…
… SDSU Center for Teaching & Learning. (2004). 360 action verbs for writing student learning outcome statements in higher education. Author. Retrieved from: Student Assessment of the Learning Gains…
In NILOA’s twenty-third occasional paper, several scholars from James Madison University present a model for using assessment results to improve learning. Paper Abstract Assessing learning does not by itself…
Boston University’s Program Learning Outcomes Assessment webpages serve as an example of how to present student learning outcomes assessment information clearly. In particular, the webpages include a welcoming cover page…