…mind-mapping, multimedia development, timeline creators, interactive games and other engaging e-learning tools. They have used research methods, including examining learning gaps of student populations. They have studied learning preferences as…
…mind-mapping, multimedia development, timeline creators, interactive games and other engaging e-learning tools. They have used research methods, including examining learning gaps of student populations. They have studied learning preferences as…
…a chance to re-evaluate your skill set again at the end of this semester. Leadership Learning Outcomes Student Self Assessment Pre – Post Mastery (4) Proficient (3) Developing (2) Beginning…
…for the students to refer to. Activity: Find Your Program Outcomes: Again referring to the Institutional Alignment Handout, have the students fill out their program outcomes. Do these align with…
…key to the future of MOOCs. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois and Indiana University, National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment (NILOA). https://twitter.com/niloa_web https://www.facebook.com/learningoutcomesassessment/ http://learningoutcomesassessment.org/joinemail/ http://learningoutcomesassessment.org/joinemail/ https://www.facebook.com/learningoutcomesassessment/ https://twitter.com/niloa_web http://learningoutcomesassessment.org/joinemail/ http://learningoutcomesassessment.org http://www.learningoutcomesassessment.org…
…opportunity to earn a Student Learning Outcomes badge, adjunct instructors can earn badges in Online Teaching, the Student Experience, and Learning Theory. And at Rio, we put our money where…