Search Results for: student learning outcomes

NILOA 2010 Program Survey

…more effectively assess student learning outcomes? (Select all that apply.) More faculty release time to coordinate student learning outcomes assessment activitiesA Some or additional stipends for faculty assessment leadersB A…

Assessment Resources

…practices around student learning; (2) To create a community of practice that supports continuous improvement in student learning; and (3) To enhance students’ educational experience beyond the classroom through sustained…


students are learning the outcomes the institution intended, guides colleges in making educational and institutional improvements, evaluates whether changes made improve/impact student learning, and documents the learning and institutional efforts….

NILOA Track Keynote

Learning Evaluative Criteria Learning Outcomes Assignment Scaffolding Learning Evaluative Criteria Learning Outcomes Assignment Scaffolding Learning Evaluative Criteria Learning Outcomes How assignments connect Connections Assignment Scaffolding Learning Evaluative Criteria Learning Outcomes