Search Results for: student learning outcomes


…assessing student learning is to ultimately “improve student learning” but there is no clear framework for what “improving student learning” entails or what it means to “close the loop.” However,…


…assessment of student learning at colleges and universities, primarily under the Lumina Foundation grants, at NILOA. Her main research interests include student learning outcomes assessment at Minority Serving Institutions, access…


…take in high school to best prepare students for collegiate-level learning. Finally, the system has a dedicated Web site ( to help students and families navigate the college admissions and…


February 2022 Institution-Level Learning Outcomes: Where Are We Now? National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment REPORT Cite as: National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment. (2022, February). DQP report institutional-level learning


…Provide useful feedback to students for improvement (formative) Provide final evaluation of student performance for course/instructor Gather learning outcomes assessment data for the major/curriculum Gather learning outcomes