…mastering the following institutional outcomes (see http://registrar.msj.edu/undergraduate- catalog/academic-information/learning-outcomes-performance-indicators/ for the full list of learning outcomes). Make sure that you accomplish each of these as described in the attached rubric. ï‚·…
Columbus State Community College’s Outcomes Based Assessment website provides viewers with rich and direct information about the college’s assessment effort. Included within the website are institutional learning outcomes and goals,…
Posted on October 26, 2015
Adelman, C. (2015, October 26). To Imagine a Verb: Assignments and Learning Outcomes. Assessment Institute….
Posted on October 26, 2015
Gaston, P. (2015, October 26). Better ingredients. Better pizza. (Stronger outcomes. Improved assessment.) Assessment Institute….
Posted on October 26, 2015
Giffin, L., & Hackman, E. (2015, October). Supporting community college faculty and administrator engagement in learning outcomes assessment: Updates from the field. Assessment Institute….