…decide how to most effectively assess student learning outcomes for institutional improvement and accountability. As reported in NILOA’s first report, More Than You Think, Less Than We Need: Learning Outcomes…
…decide how to most effectively assess student learning outcomes for institutional improvement and accountability. As reported in NILOA’s first report, More Than You Think, Less Than We Need: Learning Outcomes…
…student success; (3) Collaborative academic programs and services involving the library enhance student learning; (4) Information literacy instruction strengthens general education outcomes; and (5) Library research consultations boost student learning….
…portfolios as evidence of learning, portfolio courses may also include assignments that ask students to reflect on their learning across a number of courses. National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment…
…in sociology. Teaching Sociology, 30(1), 63-79. Worthen, M. (2018). The misguided drive to measure ‘learning outcomes.’ The New York Times Sunday Review. Retrieved from https://www.nytimes.com/2018/02/23/opinion/sunday/colleges-measure-learning– outcomes.html. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/02/23/opinion/sunday/colleges-measure-learning-outcomes.html https://www.nytimes.com/2018/02/23/opinion/sunday/colleges-measure-learning-outcomes.html About NILOA…
…tasks faculty assign to studentsâ€â€in their courses and field-based learningâ€â€must be the centerpiece of 21st century quality assurance in terms of student learning. These performance-based tasks need to give students…