Search Results for: student learning outcomes

Developing and Hosting an Online Lesson

…mind-mapping, multimedia development, timeline creators, interactive games and other engaging e-learning tools. They have used research methods, including examining learning gaps of student populations. They have studied learning preferences as…

Capella University: An Outcomes-Based Institution

…may be enhanced by designing programs and curriculum backwards from the desired learning outcomes to specific courses and their learning activities. Such a backwards design approach may facilitate student progress…


…General Education outcomes mapped to student-centered library outcomes. Since the library does not deal directly with student competencies as do teaching faculty, its efforts may only be said to attempt…

AK PEAK Rubrics

…a chance to re-evaluate your skill set again at the end of this semester. Leadership Learning Outcomes Student Self Assessment Pre – Post Mastery (4) Proficient (3) Developing (2) Beginning…