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AiP_Escobr&Gauder On the “Write” Path to Student Learning: Library and Writing Center Collaboration Hector Escobar & Heidi Gauder University of Dayton The support provided by research librarians and writing center…

AiP_Grant The Development of a Student Affairs Assessment Structure Kevin Grant Biola University Words and visuals have power. We have most assuredly found this to be true in developing structure…

AiP_Marzetti Leading Enhancement in Assessment and Feedback at the University of Edinburgh: Using TESTA Methodology to Gain Programmatic Oversight of Assessment and Feedback Practices Hazel Louise Marzetti University of Edinburgh…

AiP_vanStaden Social Network Analysis as Method to Assess Collaboration Christa van Staden In South African context, teachers are required since 2001 to establish professional learning communities. One of the expected…

AiP_Buttner Finding the Way in the Assessment Landscape: Developing an Effective Assessment Map Anke C. Buttner University of Birmingham Assessment is a major landmark on every student’s journey through their…