Winston-Salem State University’s (WSSU) Use of Student Learning Evidence webpage is NILOA’s November 2020 Featured website! The Use of Student Learning evidence webpage is featured within WSSU’s Assessment & Research resources, which also includes a quick glimpse dashboard report within the Student learning Outcomes page, and yearly infographics within their Assessment Resources page. WSSU’s Assessment & Research webpage states “strive for continual improvement in student learning, student support services, and overall processes. Assessment helps us measure our progress towards our goals and make changes based on our results.”
An example of their endeavor to provide improvement in student learning and support services lies within the WSSU video series, Rams Assess to Progress. This video series highlights academic and administrative staff members who provide examples of how WSSU units have used data to improve student learning and the student experience. Additionally, Rams Assess to Progress features diverse discipline expert assessment examples that are clear for students, faculty, staff, alumni, and other stakeholders.
Given the ease of use and comprehensive assessment related activities and resources it provides, Winston-Salem State University’s Assessment & Research Use of Student Learning Evidence webpage is this month’s featured website in the category Communication and Use of Student Learning Evidence.