The University of Scranton’s Institutional Effectiveness webpage is NILOA’s December 2019 Featured Website! Website visitors can find a plethora of useful resources, including various institutional survey and research reports, institutional learning outcomes statements, assessment videos, and data on the institution’s high-impact practices (HIPs). The university’s Integrated Planning & Institutional Effectiveness Model displays how the institution’s mission and vision are supported by various processes, including assessment at the division, departmental, and institutional level. It is also accompanied by a glossary of terms that can provide insight for those new to assessment. The Planning & Continuous Improvement Guide provides insight into how assessment helps the institution ensure it is meeting its strategic goals and maintaining educational quality.
There are also guides such as the data standards manual to inform gathering, reporting, and use of data, and outline the guiding principles of assessment. Website visitors can also explore the program learning outcomes for each of the University of Scranton’s current programs. Finally, external stakeholders can visit the consumer information page to find information regarding student outcomes across academic programs, cost of attendance, and institutional accreditation. The latter of which includes mapping institutional goals to Middle States Accreditation standards. For these reasons, the University of Scranton’s Institutional Effectiveness webpage is a Featured Website in the category of Centralized Assessment Repository aligning with the Transparency Framework’s component of Assessment Plans.