Texas A&M University’s Student Life Studies website includes highlights from its various assessment initiatives, such as its participation in the Student Experience in the Research University Survey, in the Assessment Educational Series for 2014, and the use of campus surveys. In addition, the Student Leader Learning Outcomes Project provides information for staff to utilize with student leaders when assessing learning in relation to student leadership experiences. Rubrics are provided to help assess co-curricular experiences.
The information on the website includes information on and results from surveys, such as the 2015 Disability Services Student Employment Exit Survey, the 2014 National Student Financial Wellness Study, and the Aggies RISE: DSA Student Worker Learning Outcomes. Within these documents, the purpose, outline, and implementation of surveys within student affairs programs is available.
Because the website provides clear examples of assessment initiatives within a student affairs context, Texas A&M University’s Student Life Studies Website is this month’s Featured Website in the category of Communication.
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