The Office of Planning and Assessment at Pennsylvania State University provides structure, oversight, and support for learning outcomes assessment at all 24 campuses. The Office of Planning and Assessment outlines an eight-step learning outcomes assessment process. All degrees offered (undergraduate, graduate) certificates, and shared degrees are analyzed annually. The website provides resources, including recommendations from a special joint committee on general education assessment, as well as information on the University Assessment Committee, events, and resources. In the spirit of communication, the Office publishes Innovation Insights listing a variety of instructions on effective and innovative teaching methods, including planning and assessment. Additionally, the Office of Planning and Assessment provides opportunities for learning in a variety of formats through its Learning Opportunities and eLearning pages. These resources are publically available online.
Given the availability of resources and assessment information as well as the variety of information presented, Penn State’s Office of Planning and Assessment site is this month’s featured website in the categories of Centralized Assessment Repository and Communication.