Miami University’s CELTUA website provides a wealth of information on assessment activities at Miami University. The site includes assessment success stories, in which Miami faculty briefly address their experiences developing and assessing student learning outcomes within their respective departments. The Student Success Plan page features links to Miami’s general education learning outcomes and descriptions of the projects intended to address these outcomes, as well as a list of learning outcomes within individual majors and information on Miami’s assessment of student engagement.
Site visitors can also view short ‘Assessment Briefs’ outlining current assessment projects at Miami and a page outlining the University Honors program’s new e-portfolio project. The site also includes resource pages such as Assessment Basics, CELTUA seminar and workshop documents, as well as videos and podcasts of previous CELTUA seminars.
Due to its comprehensive and accessible presentation of assessment activities at Miami University, the CELTUA website is this month’s featured website in the categories of Communication and Centralized Assessment Repository.