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California State University Northridge

The Academic Assessment and Program Review website at California State University Northridge (CSUN) showcases the institution’s assessment efforts and accountability. The site serves as a resource, providing transparency into the university’s assessment of student learning, as well as into programmatic planning. It opens with a mission statement, defining the role assessment plays at CSUN, its goals and responsibilities, along with information about its oversight committee. The site provides access to each department’s annual program assessment reports, which are kept up to date and go back to 2014. The website offers a breakdown of Student Learning Outcomes by institution, department, and program, including General Education, Degree-Granting Programs, and Non-Degree Granting-Programs. Furthermore, it features a Projects & Initiatives section, where assessment related ideas and programs are discussed. Importantly, the site has a rich Resource library, where materials are well grouped and organized, with downloadable files in document form. The Resource section contains a variety of presentations, assessment related news articles and external resources, in addition to assessment forms, guides and templates for faculty, along with rubrics. Additionally, the site features a Calendar section, where assessment related events and scheduled meetings can be found. Lastly, the site includes an alphabetically ordered directory, where materials can be found easily.

Given the emphasis on the role of assessment at the institution, along with the focus on accountability and access to resources, California State University Northridge’s Academic Assessment and Program Review website is this month’s Featured Website in the categories of Communication and Centralized Assessment Repository.