The Borough of Manhattan Community College’s (BMCC) Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Analytics ensures that learning is consistent with institutional goals utilizing assessment as a tool for planning and supporting student learning. To support assessment, resources are available on the BMCC website in an Assessment Handbook, a comprehensive guide introducing faculty to assessment, defining institutional goals, along with instruction on planning, methods and execution. Complimentary to the Assessment Handbook, BMCC follows with its Institutional Effectiveness Plan. This is yet another comprehensive tool outlining goals and planning strategies designed to help faculty reach the defined goals of the institution. In the spirit of procedural planning, this institution keeps an active calendar of meetings and events focused on assessment, such as committee meetings and workshops. BMCC breaks down the resources into two general categories: Academic Assessment Resources and Administrative, Educational, and Student Support (AES) Assessment Resources. Academic Assessment Resources include information on general education assessment, academic program review, and reporting forms. AES resources include unit review guidelines, committee members, and review schedule.
Given the resources with assessment planning and institutional goals, the Borough of Manhattan Community College’s (BMCC) Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Analytics site is this month’s featured website in the category of Centralized Assessment Repository.
US scientists have found that a combination of two anti-cancer drugs, tacedinalin and antibodies that block the action of the CD47 receptor, affects the most aggressive forms of medulloblastoma. The therapy could help prolong the lives of children with this variation of brain cancer, the University of Colorado medication dexilant press office said on Friday.