Criteria: Centralized Assessment Repository

The website stores or provides links to assessment information in one central location. To be considered, the site should include one or more of the NILOA Transparency Framework’s six components.

Long Beach City College

Long Beach City College’s Outcomes Assessment website offers an array of resources intended to guide visitors through each step of an Outcomes Assessment Loop. The site includes instructions for developing effective student learning outcomes, recommendations for assessing SLOs at the course and program level, tips for collecting and organizing assessment data, and guidance on analyzing… Read more »

North Dakota State University

North Dakota State University’s student affairs assessment website features videos, reports, and infographics designed to communicate NDSU’s student affairs assessment data to a variety of audiences. On the assessment resources page, site visitors can view a short video introducing student affairs assessment activities at NDSU, as well as links to video tutorials on using Excel to… Read more »

University of Rhode Island

The University of Rhode Island’s Student Learning, Outcomes Assessment and Accreditation website provides a wealth of assessment information and supporting documents. The site presents student learning outcomes and materials for program assessment at the undergraduate and graduate levels, including downloadable reporting forms and rubrics for undergraduate and graduate programs. Also included are resources for creating… Read more »

Indiana University Southeast

Indiana University Southeast’s Institutional Research & Assessment website presents a detailed overview of the assessment process at IU Southeast. The site includes brief summaries of assessment activities at the program level, as well as an overview of general education assessment. Also included on the site are General Education Assessment Committee Reports, and the Assessment Overview… Read more »

LaGuardia Community College

LaGuardia Community College’s Outcomes Assessment website provides direction for faculty and assessment professionals on how to use ePortfolios to carry out assessment plans. The site includes an About page, which includes a history of assessment activities at LaGuardia; definitions of and rubrics for LaGuardia’s Core Competencies; and a diagram of LaGuardia’s Core Competency Assessment Cycle.… Read more »