Criteria: Centralized Assessment Repository

The website stores or provides links to assessment information in one central location. To be considered, the site should include one or more of the NILOA Transparency Framework’s six components.

The Ohio State University’s Center for the Study of Student Life (CSSL)

The Ohio State University’s Center for the Study of Student Life (CSSL) website presents clear and concise information regarding the university’s ability to positively impact student development and outcomes. Visitors to the website can view a database of CSSL Reports pertaining to “Diversity and Inclusion”, “Involvement and Engagement”, “Wellness”, among other categories. Also located on… Read more »

University of Wisconsin-Madison

University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Student Learning Assessment webpage provides a host of information regarding its institution wide assessment efforts. In particular, the webpage presents information about its “Learning Goal Reporting Tool”, an initiative that the institution is using to assess undergraduate, master’s and doctoral programs. There is also information regarding its “Learning Goals Workshops” for undergraduate,… Read more »

University of Connecticut

University of Connecticut’s Assessment website provides various assessment resources that encourage and support meaningful assessment efforts. Visitors to the site are provided links regarding why assessment is important, what assessments are, and the relationship between assessments and accreditation. Also included within the website are resources for understanding the importance of student learning in relation to… Read more »

Marshall University

Marshall University’s Office of Assessment and Program Review provides viewers access to the university’s assessment resources and reviews. In particular, there are various links regarding the university’s assessment efforts, including links to their University Assessment Committee and related documents, Learning Outcomes and related rubrics, and assessment reports/reviews including an archive of reports. This website serves… Read more »

Butler University

Butler University’s Office of Institutional Research & Assessment website offers a host of resources regarding their student learning outcome assessment efforts. The website includes information regarding Academic Assessment, Administrative Assessment, which includes Administrative Assessment Reports, in addition to information regarding their University Assessment Committee. This website is a centralized location for the university’s assessment efforts.… Read more »