Criteria: Centralized Assessment Repository

The website stores or provides links to assessment information in one central location. To be considered, the site should include one or more of the NILOA Transparency Framework’s six components.

University of Central Oklahoma

The University of Central Oklahoma’s (UCO) Center for Excellence in Transformative Teaching & Learning(CETTL) webpage is the NILOA Featured Website for July 2018. CETTL supports faculty in improving teaching and learning through resources and services that promote transformative learning experiences at UCO. One such resource is the Educator’s Leadership Academy (ELA) where various academies and workshops… Read more »

Skyline College

Skyline College’s Student Learning Outcomes and Assessment Cycle (SLOAC) website features multiple resources that help guide faculty and administrators through the process of assessing student learning. Skyline’s current SLOAC Framework is supported by a downloadable guide that offers direction for each step of the assessment process. A supplemental Implementation Model and information on the college’s timeline of their… Read more »

University of Texas at Arlington

The University of Texas at Arlington’s (UTA) Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Reporting (IER) web page is this month’s NILOA Featured Website! For current UTA faculty and staff, the Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Reporting offers professional development opportunities on assessment management systems and more meaningful assessment practices. Visitors to the site can find a… Read more »

Hutchison Community College

Hutchinson Community College’s (HCC) Educational Quality Assessment (EQA) web page is NILOA’s July 2018 Featured Website! HCC is committed to using a wide-range of assessment activities and assessment data to inform continuous improvement. The goal is to provide every HCC student the necessary environment to succeed. The EQA website offers a clear overview on how… Read more »

California State University Northridge

The Academic Assessment and Program Review website at California State University Northridge (CSUN) showcases the institution’s assessment efforts and accountability. The site serves as a resource, providing transparency into the university’s assessment of student learning, as well as into programmatic planning. It opens with a mission statement, defining the role assessment plays at CSUN, its goals… Read more »