Criteria: Centralized Assessment Repository

The website stores or provides links to assessment information in one central location. To be considered, the site should include one or more of the NILOA Transparency Framework’s six components.

University of Scranton

The University of Scranton’s Institutional Effectiveness webpage is NILOA’s December 2019 Featured Website! Website visitors can find a plethora of useful resources, including various institutional survey and research reports, institutional learning outcomes statements, assessment videos, and data on the institution’s high-impact practices (HIPs). The university’s Integrated Planning & Institutional Effectiveness Model displays how the institution’s… Read more »

James Madison University

James Madison University’s (JMU) Student Affairs Assessment Support Services (SASS) web page is this month’s NILOA Featured Website! While SASS offers various services for members of the JMU community such as consulting and the Learning Improvement Initiative with the Division of Student Affairs, there are also a myriad of resources for external visitors. For example,… Read more »

Las Positas College

Las Positas College’s Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) webpage is the September 2019 NILOA Featured Website! The website provides a rich range of materials on student learning outcomes (SLOs) and assessment. For instance, website visitors can find tips on how to write institutional, program, and course outcomes. As both a good practice of transparency and to serve as an… Read more »

San Diego Mesa College

San Diego Mesa College’s Outcomes and Assessment webpage is NILOA’s first Featured Website of 2019! The Outcomes and Assessment webpage is hosted within Mesa College’s Institutional Effectiveness website which has useful information on accreditation, the institution’s educational master plan, institutional research, resources for program review, and reports on student learning. As it is described in… Read more »

University of California Riverside

The University of California Riverside’s Office of Evaluation and Assessment web page is NILOA’s Featured Website for December 2018. The website offers straight forward and useful information on assessment beginning with its mission: “to facilitate a culture of data-driven decision making and continuous educational improvement.” The institution’s assessment handbook allows visitors to interactively find information… Read more »