Criteria: Centralized Assessment Repository

The website stores or provides links to assessment information in one central location. To be considered, the site should include one or more of the NILOA Transparency Framework’s six components.

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Eastern Illinois University

Eastern Illinois University’s assessment website presents extensive information on EIU’s assessment efforts, guided by EIU’s Committee for the Assessment of Student Learning (CASL). The website provides assessment reports related to CASL’s four learning goals for EIU’s general education program: to demonstrate ability to write effectively, speak effectively, think critically, and function as responsible global citizens.… Read more »

Valencia College

Valencia College’s Institutional Assessment website offers full, unrestricted access to all of its assessment documents and activities, including general education and program-level learning outcomes and examples of data, rubrics, and plans used in assessment at Valencia. The site allows visitors to view in-progress workbooks for AA and AS programs, which detail how each program’s course… Read more »

Anoka-Ramsey Community College

Anoka-Ramsey Community College has created a comprehensive assessment resource website which offers extensive resources for faculty, including a glossary of assessment terms, levels and documentation of assessment, rubric guidelines, the process for collecting and reviewing assessment data, and guidesheets for each degree type offered at ARCC. The website also provides assessment resources for students, which… Read more »

Boston College

Boston College’s Assessment website is a comprehensive resource for guidance and support for assessment professionals and departments. It features links to the college’s Assessment Cycle and Assessment Handbook, Departmental Outcomes, a conversation guide that departments can use to examine their assessment programs, and examples of assessment projects from various Student Affairs departments. In addition to… Read more »

Salt Lake Community College

This website features Examples of Excellence, a collection of videos in which SLCC professors, instructors, and staff discuss how they have used SLCC’s assessment practices to guide and verify student success, utilize SLCC’s college-wide outcomes rubric, study student success rates, and more. In conjuction with its academic assessment data, SLCC provides data for each of… Read more »