Jankowski, N. (2014, May). The power of shared experience for advancing excellence. AACJC DQP Project Meeting.
Jankowski, N. (2014, May). The power of shared experience for advancing excellence. AACJC DQP Project Meeting.
Kinzie, J., & Jankowski, N. (2014, May). NILOA’s provost survey on assessment practices: Implications for IR. Association for Institutional Research Annual Forum.
Jankowski, N. (2014, May 20). Assignment design. Fitchburg State University Curriculum Development Workshop.
Hutchings, P., Ewell, P., & Humphreys, D. (2014, March 31). Where policies and practice meet: Assessment and the way we work. Indiana Signature Assignments Workshop.
Ewell, P. (2014, March 31). Developing effective signature assignments: Lessons from the DQP. Indiana Signature Assignments Workshop.