Assignment Library Tag: Quantitative Fluency

Assessment of Essential Studies Quantitative Reasoning Skills

Description This task is used for the assessment of Quantitative Reasoning (which the DQP refers to as Quantitative Fluency). It has been used to assess quantitative reasoning skills of students in our campus-wide general education Essential Studies (ES) program. This assignment is not specific to any course. Rather, it can be used broadly for undergraduate... Read more »

Introduction to SPSS using Simulation via T tests, regression, and ANOVA

Brief Description Students use one-way between-subjects analysis of variance to answer a research question using a personalized data set. The students submit a formal APA style results section with appropriate tables, figures, and statistical tests to help support their findings. The assignment is designed to assess specialized knowledge, quantitative fluency, communicative fluency, and applied and… Read more »

Correlation Assignment

Description This assignment was designed for Developmental Psychopathology, 361. Because the course includes majors, who would at least have had Research I, and possibly Statistics, as well as non-majors, who might have had neither, a fair amount of scaffolding is required. This includes making available tutorials to remind students (or inform them for the first… Read more »

Gender in a Foreign Culture Assignment

Description This assignment is designed to provide a rigorous semester-capping research and writing experience in a second-semester freshman course on writing, gender issues, and research methods. More specifically, it aims to engage students in a comparative analytical study of social and cultural traditions, problems, and forms of progress in a foreign society. Background and Context… Read more »

Capstone Project: Mathematics Across Disciplines

Description This senior thesis assignment is intended for mathematics majors. It requires students to integrate coursework, knowledge, and skills to demonstrate a broad mastery of a specific topic within the mathematic discipline and apply the topic to an entirely different discipline. Background and Context This is a senior thesis assignment. This assignment is intended for… Read more »