Assignment Library Tag: Presentation

Public Relations Group Project Assignment

Description Students in my Public Relations class work in teams to create fictional non-profits to address a particular social issue or problem. The assignment is for a sophomore/junior level Public Relations course. The assignment is introduced on the first day of the course. Teams are created and the assignment will be worked on throughout the course… Read more »

Connections beyond the Classroom: Applied Learning in a Capstone Presentation

Description The Associate level portfolio presentation is designed to measure applied learning and is organized around three educated citizen outcomes: reflective individual, effective communicator, and change agent. The Bachelor’s level capstone presentation is also designed to examine students’ development as educated citizens. Aggregate data from these assignments is used to measure overall student progression regarding… Read more »

Understanding Historiography through an Annotated Bibliography: Scaffolded Learning for a Capstone Research Project

Description Designed by librarians who support the senior capstone course for history majors, this sequenced set of mini-assignments is intended to provide the structure and support to help students develop the research skills they need to complete the original research project/paper required in the capstone course. There are three parts: the development of a bibliography,… Read more »

The Globally Effective Citizen (GEC 314)

Description The Globally Effective Citizen (GEC 314) explores the incredibly diverse world of indigenous people, and examines the juxtaposition of the Western worldview with the world inhabited by indigenous people. We examine this relationship within historical, political, geographical, cultural and environmental contexts. This assignment draws on evidence from two main sources: one, a position paper… Read more »

Strategy Term Project – Business Analysis Report

Description The Business Analysis Report is a group project introduced in the beginning of the semester and culminating at the end with a formal written report and presentation. It represents a significant portion of the grade for the Business Policy and Strategy course–the capstone for the School of Business and Economics. It is designed to… Read more »