Assignment Library Tag: Introductory Course

Preparing for College

Description The purpose of this assignment is two-fold. First, it will help students to integrate some of the information they have gained in their First Year Experience course and will help them to examine the different resources and skills needed for college readiness and success. Second, it will be available as a resource to the… Read more »

Preparation and Presentation of Research

Description Students work in groups of three (sometimes four) to prepare and present a small research project on a topic of interest that is relevant to the course. Once the group selects a topic, each group member will compose and contribute a journal article summary (abstract) using a template provided by the professor. Then, the… Read more »

Final Research Project: Information Technology/Business Research PowerPoint Presentation

Description This assignment is the final project in an Introduction to Computer Information Systems course that aims to provide students with skills in applications including Microsoft Word and PowerPoint, and fundamental knowledge of the concepts that underpin information technology and how these concepts relate to business concerns. It requires students to research an IT topic… Read more »

Internet Speed Project

Description This assignment serves as an active learning opportunity for the Internet and data communications topics of a general freshman computing course. Students must evaluate their Internet service to determine if the speeds of subscribed service are being delivered and then communicate their findings using networking terminology. The assignment also provides students with an opportunity… Read more »

My Future Classroom Project

Description The purpose of the' My Future Classroom Project' is for teacher candidates to begin to recognize and consider various factors involved in teaching and planning for their future classroom. It serves as the beginnings of a professional portfolio; however, it is expected that it will change and evolve further as students continue to learn... Read more »