Assignment Library Tag: Introductory Course

Field Analysis

Description In a summative assessment for an introductory sociology course, students create a field log of their everyday experience and analyze their experiences through a sociological lens. The purpose of this assessment is for students to understand themselves as actors in their society by considering the role they play in their families, workplaces, communities, campuses,… Read more »

Literary Analysis Research Essay

Description This assignment is an 8-10 page literacy research and argument essay, standard at most universities. It requires the use of at least eight outside, scholarly sources. Students work on the assignment throughout the term, and it serves as their culminating assessment for English 104, the second course in a two-course composition sequence. Background and… Read more »

Information Fluency in an Introductory International Studies Course

Description This assignment was designed for an introductory international studies course that serves as a requirement for the university’s general education curriculum. The challenge of the course is to get students excited about international studies and to make them aware of how increased global interdependence affects them. Students who successfully complete the assignment are able… Read more »

Organization Culture Analysis

Description This assignment is used for a sophomore (200 level) Communication Studies General Education course. As a General Education course, the vast majority of undergrads are required to take this course. The course is designed as a hybrid course taught as a lecture (200 students per section) once a week with two lab sections (20… Read more »

Introductory Reasoning and Problem Solving in Mathematics

Description This assignment covers material on reasoning and problem solving as presented to students in an introductory level, general education mathematics course for non-STEM majors. Most of their math education up to this point has been focused on producing the correct answer, usually by performing a computation. To set a different tone and expectation, this… Read more »