Assignment Library Tag: Intellectual Skills

Business Administration and Business Ethics Linked Assignments

*This submission features the work of Robert Awkward but is part of a joint submission developed by a three-person team, as reflected in the citation above.* Description The assignments link three courses at Middlesex Community College: (BUS 110 “Introduction to Business" and BUS 210 “Principles of Management") in the Business Administration Department and a course... Read more »

Life Story Interview

Description This project teaches psychology students to apply academic theories to the "life story" of someone they interview. Each student interviews an older relative or friend, and writes an 8-10 page paper. The paper starts with a biography of the interviewee, divided into several "chapters" ("Leaving home," "Starting a family"). Next, students analyze the life... Read more »

Identifying Universal Themes in Film: Christian Allegory in Martin McDonagh’s in Bruges

Description This assignment asks students to deal with the main ideas of Christian allegory by writing a short paper exploring the characters and plot of renowned Irish/Anglo playwright and Oscar winner Martin McDonagh’s first full length film, In Bruges as a contemporary Christian allegory. Lecture, discussion and handouts provide support for this assignment, which is challenging… Read more »

Critical Analysis of Research for Patient Treatment Decisions

Description Teams of three to four students are assigned patient clinical scenarios in which they identify the patient problem, conduct computerized searches to find valid and reliable research to answer the clinical question, summarize the results, and determine how the answer will affect their patient treatment decisions. Background and Context The main DQP Proficiency this… Read more »

Research Essay and Policy Paper Integrated Writing Assignment

Description This integrated assignment links the final research papers for two courses (Human Services Policy and Human Biology) to make the need for the application of biological and physiological knowledge to Human Services policy issues more explicit to students in the Human Services program. This assignment is carefully scaffolded across two courses so that the… Read more »