Assignment Library Tag: Social Sciences

Understanding Concepts in Social Science Research through Werewolves

Description Designed to convey methodological concepts in content-based sociology classes (rather than a methods course), this set of assignments is designed to engage students in the multiple aspects of the research process, and support their understanding that research is the outcome of a series of choices made with imperfect information, rather than the inevitable outcome... Read more »

Paper on Race/Ethnic Relations

Description This assignment is for a beginning-level course in cultural awareness that asks students to look at themselves and the world around them and ask why they believe what they believe. It requires engagement with diverse cultural, economic and geographic perspectives on race relations. Background and Context This assignment, which is designed to assess the... Read more »

Life Story Interview

Description This project teaches psychology students to apply academic theories to the "life story" of someone they interview. Each student interviews an older relative or friend, and writes an 8-10 page paper. The paper starts with a biography of the interviewee, divided into several "chapters" ("Leaving home," "Starting a family"). Next, students analyze the life... Read more »

Field Analysis

Description In a summative assessment for an introductory sociology course, students create a field log of their everyday experience and analyze their experiences through a sociological lens. The purpose of this assessment is for students to understand themselves as actors in their society by considering the role they play in their families, workplaces, communities, campuses,… Read more »

Correlation Assignment

Description This assignment was designed for Developmental Psychopathology, 361. Because the course includes majors, who would at least have had Research I, and possibly Statistics, as well as non-majors, who might have had neither, a fair amount of scaffolding is required. This includes making available tutorials to remind students (or inform them for the first… Read more »