Assignment Library Tag: General Education

Small Group and Team Communication Final Group Project

Description The students take what they are learning about small group communication theory in the classroom and, working in groups, apply the theories and concepts to their observations of an outside team/group. The final project includes both a paper (the requirements and corresponding rubric are included) and a presentation that the group members work on… Read more »

Everyday Macroeconomics: An Indicator Assessment Project

Description The Everyday Macroeconomics: An Indicator Assessment is a group project that is incorporated within the instruction of Principles of Macroeconomics. The project is a significant component of establishing access, interest, and understanding of the use-value of economics in everyday life and offers a creative student-led synthesis of the objective of the course: be able… Read more »

Incorporating the Diversity of Academic Disciplines in a College-Wide First-Year Seminar Course to Address University Problems

Description Through this interactive group assignment, students are required to utilize their skills and their academic majors to solve a problem on campus (DQP – Applied and Collaborative Learning). At the end of the assignment, the students presented the problem and solution in a presentation format to the Dean of the College of Liberal and… Read more »

Preparing for College

Description The purpose of this assignment is two-fold. First, it will help students to integrate some of the information they have gained in their First Year Experience course and will help them to examine the different resources and skills needed for college readiness and success. Second, it will be available as a resource to the… Read more »

Preparation and Presentation of Research

Description Students work in groups of three (sometimes four) to prepare and present a small research project on a topic of interest that is relevant to the course. Once the group selects a topic, each group member will compose and contribute a journal article summary (abstract) using a template provided by the professor. Then, the… Read more »