Assignment Library Tag: Ethical Reasoning

The Digital Storytelling/8 Key Questions Assignment

Description This assignment is a culmination of the skills students have developed and the knowledge they have gained over the semester in a basic communication course. For the first part of the assignment students collaborate as a team to conduct research on one of the four topics the group chooses to explore, develop actions the… Read more »

Service and Sustainability Learning Reflection

Description​ Reflecting on their semester-long service-learning experience, students: Describe the relationship between the concepts/theories they learned in class and the service they did in the community; Discuss the issue that their service addressed, including possible solutions; and Explain how the experience affected their personal (civic), academic, career goals/plans. The reflection addresses the following DQP proficiences… Read more »

Research Project Packet (RPP)

Description The Research Project Packet (RPP) is a resource for both students and educators. The packet is designed to be incorporated and adapted into any course with a research and writing component, from the first year to the graduate course. Its Creative Commons license allows educators to modify the packet materials to meet the needs… Read more »

Research Essay and Policy Paper Integrated Writing Assignment

Description This integrated assignment links the final research papers for two courses (Human Services Policy and Human Biology) to make the need for the application of biological and physiological knowledge to Human Services policy issues more explicit to students in the Human Services program. This assignment is carefully scaffolded across two courses so that the… Read more »

Power line sag analysis

Description The assignment puts students in the context of working for an engineering consulting firm asked by a city council to model the sag of high voltage transmission lines, and consider health implications of electromagnetic fields around the lines. Student teams are allowed to select a municipality. The assignment is part of a course deliberately… Read more »