Assignment Library Tag: Essay

Internship Semester Capstone Reflection Essay

Description This Capstone Reflection assignment prompts students to reflect on their learning over the course of a full academic semester in which they have completed a substantial professional internship, as well as engaged in academic coursework and professional development programming. It provides an important artifact for the portfolio of work students assemble over the course... Read more »

Introduction to SPSS using Simulation via T tests, regression, and ANOVA

Brief Description Students use one-way between-subjects analysis of variance to answer a research question using a personalized data set. The students submit a formal APA style results section with appropriate tables, figures, and statistical tests to help support their findings. The assignment is designed to assess specialized knowledge, quantitative fluency, communicative fluency, and applied and… Read more »

Integrated I-Search Project Based on Common Read

Description This assignment is used in our first semester required freshman seminar course. Each year, we select a book, common read, set in a foreign country, to be read by the entire freshman class. To help students make a connection to the country we are studying, students must complete an I-Search project that relates to... Read more »

Understanding Concepts in Social Science Research through Werewolves

Description Designed to convey methodological concepts in content-based sociology classes (rather than a methods course), this set of assignments is designed to engage students in the multiple aspects of the research process, and support their understanding that research is the outcome of a series of choices made with imperfect information, rather than the inevitable outcome... Read more »

Paper on Race/Ethnic Relations

Description This assignment is for a beginning-level course in cultural awareness that asks students to look at themselves and the world around them and ask why they believe what they believe. It requires engagement with diverse cultural, economic and geographic perspectives on race relations. Background and Context This assignment, which is designed to assess the... Read more »