Assignment Library Tag: Civic/Democratic and Global Learning

Connections beyond the Classroom: Applied Learning in a Capstone Presentation

Description The Associate level portfolio presentation is designed to measure applied learning and is organized around three educated citizen outcomes: reflective individual, effective communicator, and change agent. The Bachelor’s level capstone presentation is also designed to examine students’ development as educated citizens. Aggregate data from these assignments is used to measure overall student progression regarding… Read more »

The Globally Effective Citizen (GEC 314)

Description The Globally Effective Citizen (GEC 314) explores the incredibly diverse world of indigenous people, and examines the juxtaposition of the Western worldview with the world inhabited by indigenous people. We examine this relationship within historical, political, geographical, cultural and environmental contexts. This assignment draws on evidence from two main sources: one, a position paper… Read more »

Group Town Hall Project

Description This community-based group project is based on the Future Leaders Town Hall, a forum held twice per year that engages Arizona college students in discussions to address issues – and solutions – of local relevance. For this project, students take part in the Town Hall event and then spend several weeks working in groups… Read more »