Assignment Library Tag: Broad and Integrative Knowledge

Bookends: Connecting Communication and Community from Gateway to Capstone

Description Bookends is actually two assignments linked together to assess programmatic learning outcomes related to applied and collaborative learning within a Communication Studies department. The first assignment, which is completed in the gateway (the introductory course that introduces majors to the discipline), is a collaborative project in which students explore ways in which communication can… Read more »

Final Research Project: Information Technology/Business Research PowerPoint Presentation

Description This assignment is the final project in an Introduction to Computer Information Systems course that aims to provide students with skills in applications including Microsoft Word and PowerPoint, and fundamental knowledge of the concepts that underpin information technology and how these concepts relate to business concerns. It requires students to research an IT topic… Read more »

Connections beyond the Classroom: Applied Learning in a Capstone Presentation

Description The Associate level portfolio presentation is designed to measure applied learning and is organized around three educated citizen outcomes: reflective individual, effective communicator, and change agent. The Bachelor’s level capstone presentation is also designed to examine students’ development as educated citizens. Aggregate data from these assignments is used to measure overall student progression regarding… Read more »

The Globally Effective Citizen (GEC 314)

Description The Globally Effective Citizen (GEC 314) explores the incredibly diverse world of indigenous people, and examines the juxtaposition of the Western worldview with the world inhabited by indigenous people. We examine this relationship within historical, political, geographical, cultural and environmental contexts. This assignment draws on evidence from two main sources: one, a position paper… Read more »

Strategy Term Project – Business Analysis Report

Description The Business Analysis Report is a group project introduced in the beginning of the semester and culminating at the end with a formal written report and presentation. It represents a significant portion of the grade for the Business Policy and Strategy course–the capstone for the School of Business and Economics. It is designed to… Read more »