Assignment Library Tag: Broad and Integrative Knowledge

Designing an object of play

Description Small groups of students combine theoretical knowledge of play and practical skills such as 3d printing in the making of a toy or game. The object of play is then presented in a sales pitch format, which requires students to articulate the considerations that went into their design and manufacture process. The presentation occurs… Read more »

Gender in a Foreign Culture Assignment

Description This assignment is designed to provide a rigorous semester-capping research and writing experience in a second-semester freshman course on writing, gender issues, and research methods. More specifically, it aims to engage students in a comparative analytical study of social and cultural traditions, problems, and forms of progress in a foreign society. Background and Context… Read more »

Research Essay and Policy Paper Integrated Writing Assignment

Description This integrated assignment links the final research papers for two courses (Human Services Policy and Human Biology) to make the need for the application of biological and physiological knowledge to Human Services policy issues more explicit to students in the Human Services program. This assignment is carefully scaffolded across two courses so that the… Read more »

Capstone Project: Mathematics Across Disciplines

Description This senior thesis assignment is intended for mathematics majors. It requires students to integrate coursework, knowledge, and skills to demonstrate a broad mastery of a specific topic within the mathematic discipline and apply the topic to an entirely different discipline. Background and Context This is a senior thesis assignment. This assignment is intended for… Read more »