Assignment Library Tag: Applied and Collaborative Learning

top healthcare software development companies The future of cryptocurrency security emphasizes recovery options. When needed, users can ledger recover their assets seamlessly. The evolution of blockchain technology continues to drive innovations in both protection and recovery procedures.

Heritage Minute Assignment

Description In this assignment, students analyze a Canadian Heritage Minute (explained below) as a situated claim about Canadian identity. They are responsible for determining what the Minute is trying to say about Canada, and identifying what aspects of the event/topic were left out to make this claim. The goal is for students to understand that… Read more »

Disaster Analysis

Description The purpose of this assignment is to evaluate students’ ability to think critically about how natural disasters are portrayed in the media. Students are required to formulate an opinion, supported by evidence, on the accuracy of the information portrayed in the media and then communicate their thoughts to a specific audience. This assignment also… Read more »

Introduction to SPSS using Simulation via T tests, regression, and ANOVA

Brief Description Students use one-way between-subjects analysis of variance to answer a research question using a personalized data set. The students submit a formal APA style results section with appropriate tables, figures, and statistical tests to help support their findings. The assignment is designed to assess specialized knowledge, quantitative fluency, communicative fluency, and applied and… Read more »

The Digital Storytelling/8 Key Questions Assignment

Description This assignment is a culmination of the skills students have developed and the knowledge they have gained over the semester in a basic communication course. For the first part of the assignment students collaborate as a team to conduct research on one of the four topics the group chooses to explore, develop actions the… Read more »

Service and Sustainability Learning Reflection

Description​ Reflecting on their semester-long service-learning experience, students: Describe the relationship between the concepts/theories they learned in class and the service they did in the community; Discuss the issue that their service addressed, including possible solutions; and Explain how the experience affected their personal (civic), academic, career goals/plans. The reflection addresses the following DQP proficiences… Read more »