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The National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment (NILOA), established in 2008, is a research and resource-development organization, dedicated to documenting, advocating, and facilitating the systematic use of learning outcomes assessment to improve student learning.

Our Team

Our research team is dedicated to using assessment to improve teaching and learning. We are led by Dr. Gianina Baker, Acting NILOA Director, and an accomplished group of NILOA Senior Scholars and Fellows.

National Advisory Panel

To aid in our mission of conducting research and discovering promising practices and trends in local and national assessment practices, we are supported by the insights of a National Advisory Panel of leading experts.

Partner and Collaborating Organizations

NILOA works in partnership with various organizations and institutions throughout the United States and abroad.

Contact Us

National Institute for
Learning Outcomes Assessment (NILOA)
51 Gerty Drive
Room 127, CRC, MC-672
Champaign, IL 61820
Phone: 217.244.2155