Lewis University

Lewis University’s Office of Assessment website is this month’s NILOA Featured Website. The university’s history of assessment is presented via a helpful infographic dating back to 1979. The institution’s assessment plan, cycle, and timeline are available to peruse, providing framing and background on the role of assessing student learning within Lewis University. To promote meaningful accountability, there is an Institutional Assessment Continuous Improvement Rubric which Deans and department heads utilize to evaluate internal processes for collecting, analyzing, and reporting student learning outcomes. There are sample rubrics for common learning outcomes for website visitors, as well as templates for data reports, assessment, and curriculum mapping. Website visitors may explore the numerous outcomes and mapping examples, including undergraduate and graduate-level learning outcomes statements and their respective alignment/mapping efforts.

For those within the institution, the campus assessment committee offers individual consultations to help with creating learning outcomes, alignment issues, and assessment support. The website incorporates various media to disseminate and present assessment information. For example, assessment reporting for various campus units are offered through infographics. The webpage also welcomes visitors through a video speaking about a program-level assessment effort. For these reasons, Lewis University’s Office of Assessment webpage is NILOA’s Featured Website in the categories of Creativity and Communication.