Purdue University’s Office of Institutional Research, Assessment and Effectiveness (OIRAE) is NILOA’s second Featured Website of 2019. The OIRAE office, which provides reporting and analysis that allows the university to support its students while effectively using its resources, has myriad of assessment information available to both internal and external audiences. The OIRAE web page also provides access to student learning outcomes resources. The website describes their foundational learning outcomes as “developing level of knowledge that assures a general education” for learners on areas such as the humanities, math, oral communication, science, and so on. Purdue’s core curriculum outcomes are further expanded upon to include a map of courses that address each outcome, examples of key skills students can demonstrate upon achieving an outcome, and frequently asked questions based on stakeholder type (i.e., student, faculty, and advisor). To help assess these outcomes, Classroom Assessment Techniques (CATs) are offered, which include tips for assessing course-related knowledge and learner attitudes, values, and self-awareness. Relatedly, website visitors can find a helpful resource that describes appropriate methods of assessment organized by sources of evidence.
In terms of data, there are numerous interactive, downloadable, and easily understandable reports (e.g. student enrollment & completion, faculty and staff composition, and graduate data) via the data digest. Student Experience survey results, various institutional reports, and self-service reports are all available for website visitors to peruse, as well. For those conducting research, the website has helpful tips for conducting a survey at Purdue, which can also serve as a helpful check-list for those at other institutions. Due to the way Purdue University’s OIRAE web page presents its assessment information clearly for all audiences to understand, it is a NILOA Featured Website in the category of Communication.