The Office of Planning and Assessment (OPA) website at Texas Tech University (TTU) explains the importance and value of learning outcomes and assessment methods in an innovative manner to a key audience of Students & Parents. The section features an infographic, links to reports, and clear language on learning outcomes and assessment methods for a student and parent audience. In addition, learning outcomes, assessment approaches, and student testimonials are available for each college.
The site features a plethora of Assessment Reports, which are divided into following sections: Core Assessment, Student Engagement, Distance Learning and Outreach & Engagement. Each section features a list of reports relevant to the subject and describes the included reports. Of note for presentation purposes, is when a report is selected from the list, for instance the CAAP, the presentation is developed for those not familiar with the instruments and include results, background, and additional information.
Given the ease of navigating through the site and communicating the results of assessment at the institution, along with the focus on key stakeholders including students and parents, The Office of Planning and Assessment(OPA) website at the Texas Tech University (TTU) website is this month’s Featured Website in the category of Creativity and Communication.